How Do I Become a Para Bowls Classifier?
The first step in becoming a Para Bowls Classifier is to apply to become a National Classifier in Canada. Bowls Canada’s Classifier Certification Pathway outlines the ways in which you can do this. The information is also outlined below:
Qualifications to Become a National Classifier
There are two types of classifiers:
- Medical Classifier
- Physiotherapist
- Medical Doctor
- Occupational Therapist or other health professional with required medical knowledge, including anatomy, physiology and pathology.
- Technical Classifier
- Experienced in competitive bowls, coaching, umpiring, etc.
General Requirements for all National Classifier Candidates
- Participation in an IBD accredited classification seminar
- Pass a competency evaluation (open book written exam)
- Have a working knowledge and be conversant in the English language
Requirements to Remain Qualified as a National Classifier by IBD
- Classify a wide variety of disabilities
- Respond to correspondence in a timely manner
- Officially classify at least once a year (authorization is lost if inactive for a period of 12 months or more)
- Forward copies or scans of all classification documents to the IBD Head Classifier
- Submit to ongoing evaluations by IBD
- Observe the IBD Classifier Code of Conduct at all times
How Do I Apply To Become A National Classifier?
- Complete the information found in the National Classifier Application Form.
- Contact Bowls Canada at to learn more about upcoming opportunities.
Upcoming Classifier Training Opportunities
September 10th to 12th , 2022 – Windsor, Ontario.
- A limited number of applicants will be selected. You will be notified by August 5, 2022 if you are selected to attend. This is a fully funded, volunteer opportunity. Bowls Canada will cover all costs associated with travel, accommodations and meals for those selected.
- Submit the following required documentation to by July 27, 2022:
- Completed Application Form found on pages 4 & 5 of the National Para Bowls Classifier Information Package PLUS
- Medical Classifier applicants: Certificate of graduation in one of the health fields listed above
- Technical Classifier applicants: Resume of experience in competitive bowls as either a coach or an official
- Completed Application Form found on pages 4 & 5 of the National Para Bowls Classifier Information Package PLUS
- Attend Classifier Training September 10th – 12th, 2022 in Windsor, ON (Windsor Lawn Bowls Club). Training will be delivered by the International Bowls for the Disabled (IBD) Head Classifier according to the following schedule:
- September 9th Arrival
- September 10th Theory session
- September 10th Practical session
- September 11th Athlete Classification
- September 12th Competition Observation
- September 13th Departure
To download as a PDF, press on the following link: National Para Bowls Classifier Information
Bowls Canada Para Bowls Classification Resources –
International Bowls for the Disabled –
IPC Classification Code –
For more information, please contact:
Bowls Canada,