How Do I Become a Para Bowls Classifier? 

The first step in becoming a Para Bowls Classifier is to apply to become a National Classifier in Canada. Bowls Canada’s Classifier Certification Pathway outlines the ways in which you can do this. The information is also outlined below: 

Qualifications to Become a National Classifier 

There are two types of classifiers: 

  1. Medical Classifier  
    • Physiotherapist 
    • Medical Doctor 
    • Occupational Therapist or other health professional with required medical knowledge, including anatomy, physiology and pathology. 
  1. Technical Classifier  
    • Experienced in competitive bowls, coaching, umpiring, etc. 

General Requirements for all National Classifier Candidates 

  • Participation in an IBD accredited classification seminar 
  • Pass a competency evaluation (open book written exam) 
  • Have a working knowledge and be conversant in the English language 

Requirements to Remain Qualified as a National Classifier by IBD 

  • Classify a wide variety of disabilities 
  • Respond to correspondence in a timely manner 
  • Officially classify at least once a year (authorization is lost if inactive for a period of 12 months or more) 
  • Forward copies or scans of all classification documents to the IBD Head Classifier 
  • Submit to ongoing evaluations by IBD 
  • Observe the IBD Classifier Code of Conduct at all times 

How Do I Apply To Become A National Classifier?

  1. Complete the information found in the National Classifier Application Form. 
  2. Contact Bowls Canada at to learn more about upcoming opportunities.   

Upcoming Classifier Training Opportunities

September 10th to 12th , 2022 – Windsor, Ontario.   

  1. A limited number of applicants will be selected. You will be notified by August 5, 2022 if you are selected to attend. This is a fully funded, volunteer opportunity. Bowls Canada will cover all costs associated with travel, accommodations and meals for those selected.
  2. Submit the following required documentation to by July 27, 2022: 
    1. Completed Application Form found on pages 4 & 5 of the National Para Bowls Classifier Information Package PLUS 
      1. Medical Classifier applicants: Certificate of graduation in one of the health fields listed above 
      2. Technical Classifier applicants: Resume of experience in competitive bowls as either a coach or an official
  3. Attend Classifier Training September 10th – 12th, 2022 in Windsor, ON (Windsor Lawn Bowls Club). Training will be delivered by the International Bowls for the Disabled (IBD) Head Classifier according to the following schedule: 
    1. September 9th Arrival 
    2. September 10th Theory session  
    3. September 10th Practical session  
    4. September 11th Athlete Classification 
    5. September 12th Competition Observation 
    6. September 13th Departure 

To download as a PDF, press on the following link: National Para Bowls Classifier Information


Bowls Canada Para Bowls Classification Resources –

International Bowls for the Disabled –  

IPC Classification Code –  


For more information, please contact: 

Bowls Canada,